
Storytelling Performance-Ritual & Thanksgiving Dinner in Plan C

maandag 9 september 2019 , 19:00 - 21:00 uur

Thanksgiving Dinner
Storytelling Performance-Ritual by Branka Zgonjanin

or A Time-capsule to Y/Our Ancestral Land 

 Branka Zgonjanin (YU/NL),  Choreograp her, performer  en buurtbewoner van de Diamantbuurt. Zij  deelt met ons haar persoonlijke verhaal  en nodigt iedereen uit ook een verhaal te delen of ook iets te eten mee te nemen van jou land/cultuur eventueel met persoonlijke herinnering.
Samen gaan we onze voorouders eren.
Of, in ieder geval gaan we samen lekker soep eten en naar elkaar luisteren.

Als het kan, laat ons weten als  je komt!?

Gratis Entree

& More info in English:

The form of the event is a performance-ritual based on offering gratitude to our ancestors through food prepared in a traditional way, and then consumed together, after hearing a special story about where this food came from.

Choreographer and performer, Branka Zgonjanin (YU/NL), proposes an event in which we can hold space for each other to arrive back home, here were we are.

Together with her neighbours she is preparing a safe and fun situation for you to be who you are, to share food from your own country/culture, to tell your own story, to hear stories of others, to eat together, and the most importantly to honour together y/our ancestors, by mindfully and meaningfully enjoying in the food which belongs to their time/land/reality.

 If you would like to join, please bring a dish from your culture/tradition/family, and think of any of your ancestors for whom you feel something special (NOTE: this is not obligatory, you can also just simply join).

We will prepare fusion soup (to unite us), snack and drinks.

 Participation is free, everyone is welcome.

Preferable  RVSP  at:



Smaragdplein 24, Diamantbuurt
Kosten toelichting
Plan C een initiatief van buurtbewoners! Alle activiteiten worden Gratis gegeven.
Alle volwassenen
ma 9 september 2019
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